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How to Prepare for Your DHDL Online Audition

If you’re a budding entrepreneur looking to break into the world of business, appearing on the popular German TV show “Die Höhle der Löwen” (DHDL) can be a great opportunity. But before you can face the judges and potential investors, you have to go through the audition process. And with the current pandemic situation, all auditions are now being done online. So, how can you best prepare yourself for your virtual DHDL audition?

First and foremost, make sure you have a good internet connection and a quiet, well-lit room to conduct the audition. Practice your pitch beforehand and be sure to time yourself to fit within the given time limit. Focus on explaining your business idea clearly and concisely, highlighting its unique selling points and potential market impact.

Next, do your research on the show and its judges. Familiarize yourself with their backgrounds and previous investments to see if your business idea aligns with their interests. This will also help you tailor your pitch to appeal to the specific judges you will be facing.

Another important aspect to consider is your visual presentation. Since the audition will be done online, make sure your appearance and background are professional and presentable. This includes dressing appropriately and keeping the background clutter-free.

Lastly, don’t forget to practice, practice, practice!

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