Welcome to the digital world of DHDL Online! Our online platform offers a unique opportunity for fans of the popular German TV show "Die Höhle der Löwen" to stay connected and dive deeper into the world of entrepreneurship and innovation

Behind-the-Scenes: A Glimpse into the Filming Process of DHDL Online

The German startup show “Die Höhle der Löwen” or “The Lion’s Den” has taken the world by storm with its concept of allowing entrepreneurs to pitch their innovative ideas to a panel of successful investors, also known as the “lions”. But what goes on behind the cameras during the filming of DHDL Online, the digital version of the show?

The first step of the filming process is the selection of entrepreneurs who will have the chance to pitch their ideas. This is done through a rigorous application process, where the production team carefully screens each business idea. Once the chosen entrepreneurs arrive at the set, they go through hair and makeup before facing the “lions”. The actual pitch usually takes around 45 minutes and is edited down to around 10 minutes for the final episode.

After the pitch, the investors deliberate and make their decision on whether to invest in the presented idea or not. While this is happening, the production team is busy capturing reaction shots and recording interviews with the entrepreneurs. This is followed by contract negotiations and finalizing the deals that were made on the show. The filming process can take several hours, but the final result is an exciting and engaging episode of DHDL Online that viewers can enjoy from the comfort of their own homes.

So the next time

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